
MP3 Format - 10 tracks

ATMOSPHERE is the new album by Manu Low.

It features Manu Low (vocals/guitar), David Green (bass), Peter Morgan (percussion/lead guitar) and Matthew Brooke (drums). Special guest appearances by Mike Gubb. Recorded by Andro Martinez, additional recording by Manu Low. Mixed by Blair Greenberg. Mastering by Rick O’Neil.

(10 tracks, running time: 41 min)


MP3 Format - 10 tracks

ATMOSPHERE is the new album by Manu Low.

It features Manu Low (vocals/guitar), David Green (bass), Peter Morgan (percussion/lead guitar) and Matthew Brooke (drums). Special guest appearances by Mike Gubb. Recorded by Andro Martinez, additional recording by Manu Low. Mixed by Blair Greenberg. Mastering by Rick O’Neil.

(10 tracks, running time: 41 min)

MP3 Format - 10 tracks

ATMOSPHERE is the new album by Manu Low.

It features Manu Low (vocals/guitar), David Green (bass), Peter Morgan (percussion/lead guitar) and Matthew Brooke (drums). Special guest appearances by Mike Gubb. Recorded by Andro Martinez, additional recording by Manu Low. Mixed by Blair Greenberg. Mastering by Rick O’Neil.

(10 tracks, running time: 41 min)